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Carers Strategy Steering Group

May 13, 2024 - July 23, 2024
11:00 - 12:00
Islington Town Hall, Upper street, N1 2UD

Last year, carers contributed to the Islington Carers Strategy. Find out what’s been put in place and provide your perspective as a carer to help shape and guide plans. The new Islington Adult Carers Strategy will launch in June, so you’ll get an update on the progress and how you can be involved in action planning.

We’ll also invite speakers who have committed to supporting carers as part of the Islington Adult Carers Strategy. This month we’re welcoming Sophia Stevens, who is the Commissioner for Ageing Well at Islington Adult Social Care. She will explain how she and her team are planning to make Islington a dementia-friendly borough.

Carers Strategy Steering Group